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How to Care For Valuable & Antique Knives Directory

These are general rules for retaining the maximum value of your handmade, valuable, or antique knives, and are the things we see most often that reduce or increase the value of antique knives.

If I could teach you only three things about caring for knives to retain their value, they would be:

  1. Don’t Sharpen or Use Them.
  2. Don’t Store Them in a Leather Sheath / Pouch.
  3. Keep the Blade Clean & Protected.

We have five short articles to care for and protect your valuable & antique knives.

  1. General Care Principles For Valuable & Antique Knives
  2. Cleaning & Protecting Blades & Handles For Valuable & Antique Knives
  3. How to Care for Leather Sheaths & Pouches For Valuable & Antique Knives
  4. How to Store & Keep Records of Valuable & Antique Knives
  5. How to Properly Ship Knives

Sell your knives with us – click below for more information.

How It Works

This is a consignment sales website. Folks send in knives to us, we clean them up, research them, photograph them, set a value, and sell them for you (handling all shipping, inquiries, returns, etc.)

A.G. Russell called our pricing a Dutch Auction. The price is set by our researcher, and then every month it is available it goes down in price by 10%.

Prices are reduced on the Wednesday closest to the 15th of the month. New knives are added usually twice a month.

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